Please specify the total value of the voucher you would like to purchase before adding to cart.
Please note: Only one gift voucher can be purchased per order. If you would like to order multiple gift vouchers, please do so by placing separate orders.
Gift vouchers are non-refundable and are excluded from promotions.
How to Purchase
This gift voucher entitles the holder to £1 redeemable online at or in store. Please specify the total value of the voucher you would like to purchase before adding to cart.
e.g. To purchase a gift voucher to the value of £150, please enter "150" into the value box and click Add to Cart.
You will receive an email within 5 minutes containing your gift voucher and instructions on how to use it.
How to Use
Your gift voucher contains a unique code which we email to the email address your account is registered with. Please keep the code private. It can be used once only. You can print the voucher and give it away as a gift, or forward the email to a family member or friend.
Enter the gift voucher code into your Wetsuit Outlet account or print it off and hand to a member of staff in our showroom. Gift voucher codes are redeemable for up to 2 years. Once redeemed, the value of the voucher does not expire, making it a great gift for Birthdays or Christmas as it can be used at any time.